Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Don't Overthink It- Just Do It! 10 things I've learned from my fitness journey

Happy New Year!  Another year in the past and another year ahead full of promise and success.  I know many of you are evaluating your current fitness level so I decided this was the time to reprint a blog from earlier this year...just remember....don't overthink it...put one foot in front of the other and keep going!
It's not Rocket Science - Consistency is the key to success.

I've been fat, thin, fat, thin, chubby, pregnant twice, fat again and thin again...you get the idea.

As someone who struggled most of the early years with eating right and exercise, I have learned a thing or two about how to be successful and stay successful with my health and fitness.

I've been blessed to turn my passion into a career and help others with their fitness and nutrition goals. 

Today I want to share the top 10 things I've learned through my fitness journey and hopefully inspire someone out there to keep going!! 

1) It's never ever too late.  

I didn't start my fitness journey until my mid-thirties and got into the best shape of my life by the age of 40 and never looked back. I am proud to say I've stepped on stage as a national figure competitor - something I never thought was possible and I did it at the ripe age of 42.  Before kids, I couldn't run from here to the mailbox.  A half-marathon & some 5K's later, I can now run without the feeling of throwing up all over myself.

But even more than past accomplishments, I'm happy and healthy and feel like I'm 25 - not 45!  

2) You can't out train a bad diet. 

This one doesn't need much of an explanation but WOW- if I had a dime for every minute I've spent doing extra cardio so I could go home and eat like a pig, I would be on a private island counting my money.  It doesn't work peeps.

3) Taking time for yourself is not selfish.  

Selfish is treating your body like crap so you aren't of any use to others in your life.  Make yourself the priority so you can make others a priority in your life.  And while you're busy making yourself the priority, make sure you have a good support system to surround yourself...going at it alone without anyone to cheer you on or help you stay focused is not a lot of fun.

4) Stop weighing yourself every day.  

The scale is not your friend.  The scale will lie to you. It will tell you that you're having a good day when you're really not ( i.e. I guess I can have that extra slice of pizza) or tell you that you're having a bad day when maybe it's just a little water weight...so you starve yourself.  Either way it's a bad idea.  

Rely on measurements and the good 'ol "zipper" test to give you an accurate "picture" of what's really going on with you.

5) Results don't come in a pill.  

You WILL have to bust your ass.  You will have to eat right and drink your water.  You will have to plan your food and exercise sessions.  There isn't a Fitness Fairy that does it for you nor does it come in a fancy pill. Complaining about your current situation does nothing to fight the fight.  Make up your mind to get it done.

6) Results, GOOD and LONG LASTING  results will take time.  

No, you can't lose 5 lbs before the weekend (and expect to keep it off)  and you won't suddenly have toned muscles after 1 week in the gym. Unrealistic expectations will create unrealistic results. 

Consistency is the key to long term success.  The bodies you admire in the gym or in the fitness magazines were created with patience and consistency, not gimmicks.

7) Eat to live don't live to eat.  

Exercise is only part of the equation.  We have all heard that diet is the key to fitness success - at least 70-80% depending on who you ask!  If you want to change your physique, change the way you view food.  
Don't get me wrong- I LOVE food- all kinds - I'm not even prejudice to fast food. I could throw down on some fried chicken or pizza and not blink an eye.

But, I've had to learn to view food as FUEL and treat my body to the right gas....not give it crappy food which results in bad fuel.

8) Weight training will get you further than hours on the treadmill

Yes- I was one of those in the beginning- spent hours doing cardio and ignored the need for weight training.   
The key to having a strong metabolism is to have muscle on the body. Muscle gives the body a more tight and lean appearance.  Do not fall victim to " I'll start with cardio- lose some weight and begin my strength routine".  Big mistake.  Do your cardio AND weight training for a balanced physique.

9) Keep track of your food/workouts. 

There is NO way I would be where I am today if I hadn't taken the time to keep a food journal ( and this was before the age of fitness apps!).  It was the number one factor that led to my success- I'm convinced of it. 

I wrote down everything I ate for years.  I educated myself on calories and macro nutrients.  I still keep track of my food on a weekly basis.  Success rates almost triple when a journal is kept for at least 4 weeks.

10) Failure to Plan is a Plan to Fail.  

I know we've all heard this one before but let's face it- it's part of the process.  Schedule your workouts, plan your meals, plan for obstacles and plan for success. That's right...plan for success.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

She made up her mind to get it DONE!

Well, here we are, the end of my local client's 12 week Lifestyle Challenge.  The twelve weeks may be over, but the journey continues for a lifetime!


Beginning weight: 156 lbs
Current weight: 144 lbs

Beginning waist measurement: 35.5 inches
Current waist measurement: 30 inches

Beginning body fat: 30%
Current body fat: 21%

From the beginning, I stressed my client was NOT on a diet or drastic exercise program.  We worked together on a meal plan that consisted of 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fats for 1500 calories/day.

She maintained 3 days of weight training as well as 5 days of cardio- using a mixture of HIIT ( high intensity interval training) and moderate cardio sessions.  Her total cardio hours averaged around 5 hours/week.

As I've always said, this fitness stuff isn't rocket science.  Once you make up your mind to move from one state of existence to another, the only thing that stands in your way of success is YOU.

In my client's own words, here is her story to describe the last 12 weeks.  I encourage you to read these words carefully- because I feel she speaks for many in the same set of circumstances.

Greetings to the end of my 12 weeks of changing my lifestyle.  That is the only way I can describe the program.  While I did train ( and I mean really TRAIN HARD) , something else happened along the way.  I learned to train my mind in order to train my body.

The key word for me was "MY".  It isn't anyone else's body, mind or life.  I had two choices:  Follow the current course and cry every time I got dressed or shopped for clothes or alter the course.  If you think it was that easy, please read on.

In the last update, I had struggled for two weeks with a plateau on the scale.  The challenges did not end there.  I had an old injury rear it's ugly head and I spent 2 weeks in physical therapy.  Cardio was non-existent and resistance bands replaced dumbbells.

Again, Kathy's words resonated in my head:  " So what are you going to do?  Go backwards?  "  I certainly felt I was going backwards but Kathy reminded me that every step forward was a step in the right direction and doing something is always better than doing nothing.  

Her words gave me a renewed determination to finish what I started!  The physical therapist released me to do cardio and Kathy increased my cardio each day with only 10 minutes- I felt like a new woman!  It was such a minor adjustment but it yielded tremendous results- both mental and physical.    It also showed me there is ALWAYS  a way to get it done!

The 12 weeks may be over in the history books, but this is my life and it's ongoing.  Going backwards will never be an option again.  

BRAVO!  I really can't stress enough that while you're in the middle of changing your body and health, your mind is the key to success.  I'm not about just changing your physical appearance, I want to help change your mind as well.

I hope the honest testimony of my client has helped to inspire someone thinking about taking the next step toward their goals!

Thanks for reading and cheers to your health and fitness !

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Holiday Sabotage- don't fall for it!

Have you ever had one of these moments?? Of course you have- because you are Human. 

You go along with your day making good choices with your food.  Hec, you may have already paid good money to meet with your trainer and have your booty kicked?  Or you gave up something in your day to allow time to hit the gym?  And low and behold, you make a single choice that turns into a diet disaster.  What's worse is that you're having that out of body experience & watching yourself from the corner of the room and screaming to yourself :


The scary part is that you do.  We all do.  But, for different reasons, we turn out to be our own worst enemy when it comes to our food choices.  I don't have a degree in psychology but,  as a former foodie, I know how easy it is to go to the gym but how much work it is to make good solid food choices. 

So, first things first.

Why do we do it?  Well, ask 10 people and I can promise you 10 different answers so I will speak for myself.

Before I began working out, I just ate well but would always cheat after a few days.  I would start over and over and over.  Then, I began working out but I had a new problem - I always felt I could out-train a bad diet.  I worked out like a crazy woman so therefore it was OK if I indulged...not understanding the concept between food and results.  I would hate myself for doing it, pinky swear 50 times that I would do better, and then do it again. 

How do we stop??  Well- that again depends on the person and what is driving them to the self-sabotage behaviors.  Here are my own tips as well as others I've gathered from clients:

1. Don't beat yourself up.  Negative thoughts don't need to be part of the process.  Make a vow with yourself that is was a slip up and it's not going to define the rest of your day, week, month or year!  Brush it off and move on to the important things.

2. Designate a cheat meal.  Even if you are dieting, you need one meal that gives you the freedom to eat what you want.  If you're following a meal plan that doesn't allow for a cheat meal, you may want to re-think your program. 

3. Eliminate the crap food in your house.  I am a firm believer in "out of sight out of mind".  You can't reach for it at night time if it's not there...get rid of it!

4. Put up reminders.  I love this one.  I have a client who has post it notes on her refrigerator that remind her that one cup of ice cream = 60 minutes on the elliptical or a bag of chips = an extra cardio session on the weekend.  This woman is a busy executive and has zero time for "make-up" cardio as I like to call it. 

5. Pay up.  Some people have a swear jar...make a jar to donate a dollar or two every time you eat something that you know you shouldn't...maybe a little less sexy than the other suggestions but it can still work. 

6. Change your routine.  I really think this is the key to success.  If your routine is to stop at the coffee shop on the way to work and throw in a muffin or scone, stop.  If your routine is to go out to lunch every day, stop.  If your routine is to unwind at home with wine or crap food, stop.  There is a solution for every roadblock.  You have to figure out a way to work around the temptation. 

7. "In order to fly, you got to give up the S%*#! that weighs you down".  I love this quote.  If you are surrounded by people, things, etc that are holding you back from your goals, move on. 

8. Baby Steps. If you try to change everything at one time, you are most definitely setting yourself up for self sabotage. Pick one thing each week to work on - food, scheduling gym time, planning, etc.

9. No, you are not a diet failure.  If the food was the easy part, everyone would be at their goal weight.  But, the fact is that it's easier to go to the gym then eat the right foods all the time.  

10. Plan & plan some more.  Failure to plan is a plan to fail.  Simple!

I wish all of you a very blessed Thanksgiving with your family and friends.  Thanks for reading and cheers to your health and fitness!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Have you hit a wall with your weight loss?

Last week's blog featured my local client's status of her 12 week Lifestyle Challenge.  One of the issues she was plagued during the first six weeks was normal to all of us - she hit a plateau and fought with her attitude to stay focused.  She did it and prevailed.  

I decided that this would be a good time to reprint an earlier blog from this year.  
If you missed it the first time, here's what you need to know.  Even if you've read it before, read it again for a refresher course!

a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress.

I tread this word lightly because, even though your body has hit a plateau, that does NOT mean it's not changing and moving in the right direction. Yes, the scale is a good measurement but not always the ACCURATE measurement of what's really going on. I rely mostly on the way my clothes fit and my waist measurement. If your waist is getting smaller yet the scale is stalled, congrats- you are WINNING!  Why? You are not losing precious muscle but you are losing body fat!

But, it's still a good idea to always evaluate and re-evaluate where you can make changes or possibly tighten up your current plan to keep results moving along.

Why does our body plateau? Simple- it's the body's natural reaction to diet and exercise. When we begin a fitness regimen, your body responds to it immediately and all those fun changes are taking place.  But, after some time has passed, the body will resist the change and do everything possible to maintain homeostasis - a constant state of internal function. Time to take a hard look at your current routine and make those changes necessary to keep progress moving along! 

1. Continue to keep your nutrition plan at the top of the list: 

This is the first part of the your program to re-examine. A few things can go a long way to keep success moving along....

-Keep a food journal. Are you sure you haven't loosened up a bit in your eating pattern? I always recommend my clients keep a food journal or use an online app to keep track of their food for one week. Once we start to see results, it's easy to rely less on food scales and labels and "think" we know what we are putting in our mouths. This is where "calorie creep" comes into play and can really slow down your progress. Honestly, most of the time the plateau can be fixed with a closer look at the daily consumption of food.

-The body is now working at a lower body weight but you are still giving it the same calories every day? Maybe it's time to shake things up with your meal plan. Consider zig zagging your calories/carbs for a couple of weeks. I've used this method for myself as well as many clients. The goal is to eat less calories one day & more on another day, in the form of carbs. Here is the plan:

Keep your calories the same for the week. But, instead of eating the same calories every day, eliminate 100 calories one day and add an extra 100 for another day. Try this for 2 weeks. The increase/decrease of calories should come from carb sources. On the days you go with lower carbs, limit your starchy carbs and fruit. Keep your vegetable intake high.

-Get your water in everyday. A hydrated body keeps the metabolism functioning properly.

2. Change the Intensity/Duration of your Cardio : 

Another possible culprit is your cardio routine. The fact is that our bodies adapt to the cardio first. So, maybe you need to change it up? If you're knocking out 30 minutes of cardio, add another 15 minutes. Or, consider adding 20-30 minutes of walking before you start your day in addition to your current cardio routine. If you're not currently using HIT (intervals) in your routine, start now. Here is a sample workout I provided to 'Maximum Fitness' magazine a few years back (Click on the pic to enlarge):

3. Don't wimp out on your strength training ! 

I cannot stress enough how important it is to maintain your routine with weights in the gym.  So many times in the quest to break a plateau or save time, I will see people ignore their strength training in order to make more time for cardio. NO- WRONG CHESS MOVE!

Building lean muscle is the backbone of a supercharged metabolism so now is not the time to slack off but changing things around can help with muscle confusion and work your muscle groups in new ways. 

-change the ORDER of the exercises
- change the TYPES of exercises used in the workout
- change the MUSCLE GROUPS that are exercised in the same workout
-change the NUMBER of sets
-change the AMOUNT of weight used
 Bottom line- the more lean muscle you have the faster your metabolism will work. Lift to lose fat!

4. Get your ZZZZ's :  

One sure way to screw up your progress is to regress on your sleep.  If you've been working at a level above your normal routine, then your body needs the sleep to recover.   What happens to our body when we don't get enough sleep?

- Increased levels of cortisol ( the stress induced hormone that LOVES to hold on to fat! ) 
- You may still be losing weight but burn the midnight oil and you will burn muscle - which will stall your metabolism in it's track.
-Decreased sleep leads to increased hunger so be aware of triggers that lead to the wrong choices.

5. Last but not least, keep your head in the game:

As the famous quote goes: 90% mental and 10% physical.

This is the part of the game that separates the boys from the men and the girls from the women.  It's time to realize that changes are not going to take place every day.  You must be patient with the process, remember how far you've come and don't let the thought of quitting even enter your mind.

Remember that this is a lifestyle change and stay focused on the big picture.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

You can't stop a winning attitude !

Change is hard. It's uncomfortable, lonely at times and will make you question every fiber in your body.  But, is it worth it? You know it is...and sometimes you just need a little push in the right direction.  

For those following along, my local client has been on a 12 week lifestyle challenge to end the roller coaster. I couldn't be more proud of my her!  These last 6 weeks have been not only been challenging, but have pushed her to a point she didn't realize was possible. 

We never used that dreaded four letter word 'DIET'. We focused on changing components of her lifestyle to enhance her overall well being.

In 6 weeks, Kim has lost 10 lbs and FOUR inches in her waist.  Remember- overall inches lost means she is retaining lean muscle but losing FAT.  As you may recall from an earlier blog, this is not Kim's first crack at this....four years ago she lost the weight....lost the momentum...but got her mojo back - this time for good!

I asked Kim to share her feelings over the last 6 weeks and give her perspective for the rest of the challenge.  I ask my clients to do this for several reasons:

1) Prove to themselves how far they have come whether they believe it or not !

2) Reflective writing is very useful.  When you have a bad day, you can reflect on your accomplishments and achievements, not the disappointments.

3) Share with others useful hints/tips for making a transition of lifestyle.

Here I am...6 weeks into my Lifestyle Change. Four years ago, I was in this exact place but now it's different. There is no way to compare the process at 44 yrs of age to the training regimen when I was 40. There were different stresses, different goals and different environments. I’m not going to get caught up in the past - I’m going to focus on the process over the last six weeks.

In the beginning it was difficult to give up the coping mechanisms that had become part of my daily life.  The first was wine.  Not only was it a way to reduce stress, it was also my socializing tool.  I found that it took four weeks to really reduce the feeling that I “needed” a glass of wine after a long day.  There were definitely supportive friends and then there were friends that I believe felt uncomfortable being around me and my new lifestyle choices. Kathy warned me this might happen and she was right.

Next, I had to tackle my nutrition plan.  I learned early on that organization and prepping is the key to maintaining proper nutrition. I cannot leave my nutrition up to chance.

Kathy provided a meal plan based on my workouts, daily activities, sleep pattern, etc. It was up to me to follow it.

I definitely do not feel that I have been on a diet.  I’m eating great food.  It is eating the right foods at the right times that takes planning and execution.  I've organized my refrigerator so that I have my own shelf.  The left side is for vegetables, the middle for certain fruits and the right side is my protein.  It makes it extremely seamless for me to be able to grab a Tupperware of food and have a well balanced meal.  As a result, our food bills have decreased and the family's appetite for my cooking has increased.   The ground rules have been laid out and my family is not only abiding by them, but has realized that my planning and dinner organization is a blessing.

With so much that has gone right, it may seem like the first half has been a breeze, right?  Think again.  I went through week five and six without any weight loss.  Kathy could see the tears swell in my eyes because she definitely empathized with my frustration.  Here I have put in all this effort, changed my lifestyle in more ways than just food and drink and nothing to show for it for two weeks.  I remember Kathy's words so clearly-

 “So what are you going to do?  Go backwards?  Just give up because you didn't see results this week?   If you do A+B+C you WILL get D.
Everything you are doing is a step in the right direction.” 

Basically, I needed to keep following my nutrition as planned, hit my strength training and cardio as mapped out and I will see results.

Well, she was right.  After a 2 week plateau, I lost an additional 3 lbs in one week.  This was the hardest part so far- keeping my focus when I didn't have anything to show for it!

So, here I am - putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward.  I choose that I’m worth it and I will not go back. 

Here’s to the next six weeks and the rest of my life!!

Thanks Kim!  And I'm just going to throw this out there- not ONCE did she complain...yes, she felt helpless at times but she never EVER quit on her attitude.  

You want results?  Get the right attitude.
You are worth it and results are possible if you believe in yourself and trust the process.

Thanks for reading and cheers to your health and fitness!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Do you want to change or not ?

I want to thank all of you that subscribe to this blog or follow along via other social media sites. I received incredible feedback and I'm so grateful to those who reached out with questions and comments.  

Last week, my blog had the most readership since I began in March.  My main focus with this blog has been to keep it real - no "sugar coating" allowed.  I may not have been 100 lbs overweight but I've probably gained and lost close to 300 lbs over the years. I've never had a health issue that has left me with physical limitations in the gym, but I do know what it feels like to drag my ass to the gym when it's the last thing on my mind.

Let's get started. 

For those who've been following along with my local client's journey to change her health and fitness status in 12 weeks, we are halfway through the challenge.
Here's her update:

* She has lost 6 lbs in 6 weeks!  Yes, that's only a pound of week but guess what folks?  This is totally normal considering she doesn't have 50+ pounds to lose - the weight will come off more quickly with an individual who has more weight to lose.  Again, we are focusing on the day in/day out challenges within the 12 weeks...not how low can we go ! 

* Here's the most incredible measurement: A loss of 3 inches in her waist- THREE INCHES!  Here's what this means:  She is retaining muscle on her body yet losing unwanted body fat.  This is a big deal peeps.  MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT BUT TAKES UP LESS SPACE ON THE BODY.  She's sliding into a pair of size 6 jeans that she hasn't seen for a while...now that's a great feeling!

* She's stronger than ever in the weight room.  She's eating enough of the RIGHT foods to keep her energized and productive for not only her workouts, but the entire day.  More strength = more lean muscle= stronger metabolism.

Change is hard and she has stayed the course - even when she felt like throwing in the towel and became ill with a virus that not only took away her appetite for clean food, but stole her energy from the gym for a week.  I'm so proud of her and can't wait for the next 6 weeks!

Let's face it - Change is Uncomfortable. When we make a change, we expect to see immediate results. Well, big news flash - we're not changing lanes in traffic here peeps....we're changing behaviors...and it gets quite uncomfortable at times....so uncomfortable at times that we revert back to what we know - our old behavior patterns.  We go back to our old ways that didn't necessarily serve us well but they were comfortable.

One reader reached out to me -"Kathy, I hear you loud and clear but I just don't know where to start. Is this normal? "

You bet it's normal and honestly, I cannot tell you exactly where to start because each person is an individual and has their own individual stress and time constraints.  But this is what I  DO know - you want to change but are you WILLING to change?  Are you willing to take a good long look at your current lifestyle and poke holes at it?  Are you willing to analyze your ways and make changes?

First, state your goal.  Write it down and share it with one person in your life. Once we put it out there, we feel compelled to accomplish.  

Second, make a plan.  Make a plan to change ONE thing you do everyday to get you closer to your goals. For example, pack your lunch instead of going out to eat.  Eat breakfast every day. Plan for 30 minutes of exercise each day. Skip the sugar snack at 3pm. Do SOMETHING that is different than you are currently doing to get you going in the right direction.

Third, keep a journal.  Keep a daily journal tracking what you ate, your exercise and overall feelings.  I know it sounds tedious but it can be a relaxation tool -  the opportunity to reflect on your day and find ways you can be more productive.  I do this every single day.  

Last but not least, set a goal.  Pick something on the calendar that will help keep you accountable.  As I've preached before, taking this day by day is the key BUT you still need a date on the calendar to be accountable. Be realistic - don't pick next week...give yourself 8-12 weeks to see results.

So, if you're in the middle of a health or fitness journey, please remember that " If it was easy, everyone would do it" .  Every single day is a new beginning to make a CHANGE!

As always, thanks for reading!  Cheers to your health and fitness!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It's not Rocket Science: 10 things I've learned from my fitness journey!

I've been fat, thin, fat, thin, chubby, pregnant twice, fat again and thin again...you get the idea.

As someone who struggled most of the early years with eating right and exercise, I have learned a thing or two about how to be successful and stay successful with my health and fitness.

I've been blessed to turn my passion into a career and help others with their fitness and nutrition goals. 

Today I want to share the top 10 things I've learned through my fitness journey and hopefully inspire someone out there to keep going!!

1) It's never ever too late.  

I didn't start my fitness journey until my mid-thirties and got into the best shape of my life by the age of 40 and never looked back. I am proud to say I've stepped on stage as a national figure competitor - something I never thought was possible and I did it at the ripe age of 42.  Before kids, I couldn't run from here to the mailbox.  A half-marathon & some 5K's later, I can now run without the feeling of throwing up all over myself.

But even more than past accomplishments, I'm happy and healthy and feel like I'm 25 - not 45!  

2) You can't out train a bad diet. 

This one doesn't need much of an explanation but WOW- if I had a dime for every minute I've spent doing extra cardio so I could go home and eat like a pig, I would be on a private island counting my money.  It doesn't work peeps.

3) Taking time for yourself is not selfish.  

Selfish is treating your body like crap so you aren't of any use to others in your life.  Make yourself the priority so you can make others a priority in your life.  And while you're busy making yourself the priority, make sure you have a good support system to surround yourself...going at it alone without anyone to cheer you on or help you stay focused is not a lot of fun.

4) Stop weighing yourself every day.  

The scale is not your friend.  The scale will lie to you. It will tell you that you're having a good day when you're really not ( i.e. I guess I can have that extra slice of pizza) or tell you that you're having a bad day when maybe it's just a little water weight...so you starve yourself.  Either way it's a bad idea.  

Rely on measurements and the good 'ol "zipper" test to give you an accurate "picture" of what's really going on with you.

5) Results don't come in a pill.  

You WILL have to bust your ass.  You will have to eat right and drink your water.  You will have to plan your food and exercise sessions.  There isn't a Fitness Fairy that does it for you nor does it come in a fancy pill. Complaining about your current situation does nothing to fight the fight.  Make up your mind to get it done.

6) Results, GOOD and LONG LASTING  results will take time.  

No, you can't lose 5 lbs before the weekend (and expect to keep it off)  and you won't suddenly have toned muscles after 1 week in the gym. Unrealistic expectations will create unrealistic results. 

Consistency is the key to long term success.  The bodies you admire in the gym or in the fitness magazines were created with patience and consistency, not gimmicks.

7) Eat to live don't live to eat.  

Exercise is only part of the equation.  We have all heard that diet is the key to fitness success - at least 70-80% depending on who you ask!  If you want to change your physique, change the way you view food.  
Don't get me wrong- I LOVE food- all kinds - I'm not even prejudice to fast food. I could throw down on some fried chicken or pizza and not blink an eye.

But, I've had to learn to view food as FUEL and treat my body to the right gas....not give it crappy food which results in bad fuel.

8) Weight training will get you further than hours on the treadmill

Yes- I was one of those in the beginning- spent hours doing cardio and ignored the need for weight training.   
The key to having a strong metabolism is to have muscle on the body. Muscle gives the body a more tight and lean appearance.  Do not fall victim to " I'll start with cardio- lose some weight and begin my strength routine".  Big mistake.  Do your cardio AND weight training for a balanced physique.

9) Keep track of your food/workouts. 

There is NO way I would be where I am today if I hadn't taken the time to keep a food journal ( and this was before the age of fitness apps!).  It was the number one factor that led to my success- I'm convinced of it. 

I wrote down everything I ate for years.  I educated myself on calories and macro nutrients.  I still keep track of my food on a weekly basis.  Success rates almost triple when a journal is kept for at least 4 weeks.

10) Failure to Plan is a Plan to Fail.  

I know we've all heard this one before but let's face it- it's part of the process.  Schedule your workouts, plan your meals, plan for obstacles and plan for success. That's right...plan for success.

Thanks for reading!  Is there a subject you would like for me to address in an future blog?  Email me kathy.laucius@yahoo.com

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

We make our choices, then our choices make us.

I'm a quote nerd.  I love quotes. I don't pretend to originate them but I will always try to make my point with a quote.  This one in particular could not be more true for my local client who vowed to take back her fitness and put herself first so she can take care of others around her.

Four weeks ago she started a 12 week plan to get it right.  But what does 'RIGHT' look like?  We did not set a weight loss goal.  We did not set a goal to lose a certain amount of body fat or inches.  We set a goal to make changes- changes that will last a lifetime, not just for 12 weeks.

Drum Roll Please....

At the end of 4 weeks, she has lost 5.5 lbs and 2.5 inches in her waist.  Her body fat has dropped by almost 3% !  Clothes that used to be snug are now fitting loose and comfortable.

As someone who has their own "before and after" story, my philosophy is simple....you put in the effort, you provide the consistency and you will see results.  It's better than any gambling odds in Vegas.

Effort + Consistency = Success

This is not the 'Biggest Loser'.  We are not trying to lose a ridiculous amount of weight in the least amount of time.  We are setting up long term ideals for long term success.  Long term success is dependent upon realistic goals.  If you lose the weight too quickly, you are setting yourself up for a big gain in return.  Slow and steady wins the race.

Average weight loss is .5 -2 lbs/week.  If you are losing weight at a more rapid loss, make sure your meal plan/exercise plan is realistic and can be achieved on a weekly basis.  

For my client, we focused on a balanced diet of 1450 calories.  Her starting weight was 156 and she's down to 150.5 lbs. (See previous blog for macro nutrients and exercise plan)


1) PLAN AHEAD:  My client realized that there was no such thing as a 'Food Prep Fairy' so she was going to have to plan ahead...she made sure she left 30 minutes every night to organize her food, supplements and get things ready for the next day.  She realized that this has been the biggest reason for failure in the past- thinking there will be enough time in the morning to get organized but it just never happened for her.

I'm here to tell you- failure to plan is a plan to fail.  This has to be Number One on your goal list. 

2) ORGANIZE YOUR KITCHEN:  Do you know where your food is?  Do you have your food accessible?  My client organized her kitchen to make sure she could get to her food as needed- she even organized her refrigerator to include proteins, carbs and fats as well as food for her family.

3) PACK FOOD FOR "ON THE GO" :  How many times have you caught yourself at a meal time, on the go yet nothing there to eat? Again, the key to success is to plan ahead so look at your calendar and plan ahead for meals/snacks.  Don't let a whole day of hard work go out the window due to lack of planning or accessible food!  HINT- everywhere you go there is a grocery store close by...don't waste calories at a fast food drive-thru...use the produce and deli section to put together fresh meals on the go.

4) INCLUDE FAMILY IN MENUS:  One thing she wanted to do when she started was to make sure her family was eating healthy along with her meal plan.   This is smart.  Instead of eating a meal plan that only worked for her, she planned out her family dinners to include healthy food for everyone as she watched her own portions to fit her calorie requirements.  I've seen too many people fall off the wagon because they put themselves on ridiculous food requirements and leave the rest of the family out of the picture.

These things may sound like a pain in the rear  but this is how it gets done. You cannot expect to see results without putting some mental power into the process.  Some of you may have already realized the obvious- putting the mental power into your meal plan with planning, shopping and execution  is much more difficult than the physical power you put into your workouts.  


Thanks for reading!  Next week I will share the 10 things I learned through my own fitness journey - Hint Hint....It's never ever too late!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Starting Over Sucks...So Keep Going!

AMEN!   As highlighted in my previous blog, one of my local clients decided enough was enough.  She made a very simple conclusion for her fitness journey:  She was tired of stopping and starting over....the process was exhausting and began to drain her of everyday life.  

As she mentioned in her testimonial ,the goal was to once and for all, make this a lifestyle and not a short term project.

She made up her mind to KEEP GOING and STOP STARTING OVER.  How many of us have been there?  Very few of us get it right the first time.  As someone who has stopped and started over more times than they have fingers and toes to count with, I get it.  Once I became fit for a lifetime and became a personal trainer, I made it my mission to help others make this a LIFESTYLE.  

So- now I'm going to contradict myself.  Yes, it's a lifestyle but at the same time, you need to set a date with the calendar- a realistic date that will keep you accountable to your goals yet give you the "push" to not fall off the wagon.

Personally, I prefer a 12 week time frame when working with my clients.  Why?

You can't give a program one week and expect results.  You need to give your program 12 weeks to make changes as necessary.

My client has been on the program for 3 weeks.
Her starting weight was 157 lbs and her waist measured at 33.5 inches.

 At the end of 4 weeks, she will hit the scale and have measurements taken - we will also reevaluate the meal plan and make necessary changes. 


*  Eliminated all processed food from diet as well as alcohol.  

* Her meal plan has her eating 1450 calories/day based on her activity level.  Her breakdown is:
- 40% of total calories is protein
- 30% of total calories is carbohydrates 
- 30% of total calories is fat.

* I cannot express enough how easy it is to OVER THINK your meal plan.  As long as you keep the processed foods out and use clean/fresh foods, you are doing it right. But there are a few things you can do to ensure success:

1) Listen to your body.  Do you need 5-6 small meals day or are you OK with 3 large meals and some small snacks?  I think this is all dependent on your activity level.  At the end of the day, your calories in vs. calories out will determine success but you also need to be smart with the way you plan your food intake.

2) Eat your protein:  Protein is essential for muscle building and muscle recovery.  It also helps you feel full all day long- not to mention your metabolism has to work harder to digest protein vs carbs or fat.  So, you get a lot of bang when it comes to speeding up your metabolism.  Calculate the amount of protein you need each day ( I use 1 gram per pound of body weight and adjust as the body weight drops/gains depending on your goals). Use this number to calculate 40% of your total calorie needs- and this is all dependent on your activity level and lean muscle mass.  

* Carbohydrates are not the enemy but you can be strategic with them.  After calculating your carbohydrate needs ( 30% of total calories ) , put the majority of your carbohydrate intake around your pre/post workout meals and spread the rest throughout the day.  If you are not working out for the day, spread your carbohydrates evenly throughout the day.

* Fats are good but they also have their purpose in your daily meals. DO NOT CONSUME FAT POST WORKOUT.  Fats slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, so your PB2 or avocado may not be a good choice at this time. The goal post workout is to get those carbs into the body ASAP and rebuild glucose levels.  Fats eaten with carbs are great to help keep blood sugar levels normal so spread out your fat intake evenly throughout other meals each day.


* 3 days/week in the weight room using body part splits:   One day/week is legs and the other 2 are upper body-switching up the exercises/splits/reps each week.

* Cardio is 2-3 days of HIIT ( high intensityinterval training) and 2 -3 days week of moderate cardio ( 30-45 minutes).  HIIT is performed on non weight training days.

When it comes to cardio, more is not always better.  The very first thing your body adapts to is the cardio program.  So- you have to keep doing more cardio in order to stay ahead of the game.  But, if you use intervals 2-3x/ week, you will keep your body working hard and burning MORE calories during the session .  Less time and more calories burned?  YEP!   But, you can't do it everyday- your body needs a break so I recommend maximum 3/week.  

The reason for featuring a client during their program is to show the good, bad and ugly that comes up during the process.  Every person is different but each one of us has something to overcome - and that is the similarity.

Thanks for reading-if you have any questions please feel free to email me kathy.laucius@yahoo.com

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Failure is NOT an option.


I love this quote.  I love this quote because it is applicable to so many different things in our lives.  No matter what the challenge is in front of us, we have something/someone telling us we can't do it.
And you know who's your own worst enemy?  You.  That's right. You control your destiny.  You control your life.  So, it's time to dig deep and let the soul searching begin....

I have a local client who has asked me to turn up the heat on her accountability.  With her permission, I have put her on a 12 week program.  It will be hard and it will have it's moments.  I asked her to write, in her own words, WHY she wants to move forward.  I have found that when clients write their testimonial, they are not only sharing it with others but they are digging deep to their own motivation.  It also provides clarity when the "going gets tough" and you need to remember your ultimate goal.

So, in her own words, here is the testimonial from my client:

The testimonial is designed as a tool to inspire during the plateau periods of training.  However, it is important to understand the motivation for asking to be on this 12 week track to fitness.  I understand my motivation.  It’s to be fit, to feel good in clothing, to wear the clothes that are hanging in the closet or slumbering under the bed, to keep up with my daughter both physically and mentally.  So that is the motivation to start?  Should be enough right?  Wrong.  It’s the motivation to be consistent and not repeat sabotaging behavior.

To explain; I was fit.  In 2009, I worked with Kathy to change my body.  The goal was to reach a size and maintain.  I was facing personal struggles and didn’t know what life would hold for me within the year. With Kathy's guidance,  I reached my goal size and was even wearing a bikini (to the chagrin of my mother and daughter). 

As a stay at home mom, I had the time for the running, workouts, cooking and weighing every meal etc.  I then went back to work.  It was difficult to fit in a run during lunch with the showering and hair drying, etc.  I was too tired to get up 4:00am and workout.  Lunch was a another story.  Pizza, burgers and other quick lunches were OK because I of course had wiggle room.  Gradually I let it all slip away. 

Here I am again.  I began looking long and hard about not just my workout but other areas that I feel I fall short.  What became apparent is that I put myself on the back burner when it comes to improving the way I look.  It is rare that I shop for clothing, and when I do it’s a tragic experience.  My husband is a jeweler, yet I seldom wear anything other than a ring and watch.  It then became clear that I have followed in my mother’s footsteps, putting others first and rarely doing anything for herself.

How do I make myself a priority when I tell myself that others are more important?  My motivation is to show my daughter that you can be a woman, a mother, a wife and selfless all while taking care of yourself.  We laugh at the term “Happy Wife; Happy Life”, but it is true.  If I cannot take care of myself and be healthy and fit for a lifetime, how can I be a strong woman, mother and wife? I also am motivated in this age of body issues among girls to show my daughter that she is in control of her fitness and how to control it in a healthy manner. 

So, once and for all, I am determined to make ME the priority so I can be healthy and happy for my family.

Here we go!!

Does this story sound familiar?  Of course it does.  It's the story for many of us trying to find "balance" in our life.

The next 12 weeks will be about Balance.  The only way this fitness stuff works is to make it work with YOUR life, not another's expectations or time factors.

I hope you will follow along with this journey.  This week I will post a before pic along with weight and measurements.  

Thanks for reading and Cheers to Health and Happiness!!
