Sunday, April 28, 2013

What's holding you back ? 10 ways to get started !

Amazing things happen when you make up your make up your mind!

My local client, JC, lost another pound this week and we are 3 weeks away from the final weigh-in. 
13 lbs in 6 weeks! 

His goal is to lose 7 more lbs by May 16th.  I've decided to not update again until that time so STAY TUNED for the final weigh-in along with before and after pics!!   

As I've mentioned before, one of the biggest things JC has learned in this journey is that the buck stops with him.  HE is in charge of the outcome and has taken all the steps to make it happen-I'm so proud of him!

What's holding YOU back from beginning your journey?  I think the key for most people isn't that they think they can't do it, it's that they truly don't know how to get started. are 10 ways to help you get started today!

1. Make the decision to try: Don't think about the finish line, just make up your mind to try.  Don't THINK just DO.

2. Write down your goals and keep them visible:  And don't just write them down, read them and re-read them every day.  Find a quote or picture to keep you thinking about your goals and what they mean to you.

3. Don't try to fit a square peg in a circle hole:
If you know you can't eat eggs, don't do it.  If you know you can't workout at 5 am, don't do it.  Make the program work for you , not against you. 

4. Baby steps:  Again, don't come out of the gate full speed if you've only been idle in the past.  Pick one change a week to focus on - changes in your body are not going to happen overnight so why set yourself up for failure?

5. If you need help, ask for help:  Don't waste time trying to figure out meal plans or workouts if you truly don't have the experience or the time.  Hire a trainer or nutritionist to help you get going in the right direction.

6.  Make yourself accountable to others:  Again, hire a trainer to help you keep the appointment with yourself or challenge a buddy to meet you at the gym or for that early morning run.  If you know you have someone waiting on you, it makes a big difference.

7. Plan ahead:  I really can't stress this enough.  Take the time once/week to plan your schedule, think about your goals and make the appointments with yourself.  Also, take 20 or 30 minutes each night to gather your items for the next day - I call it eliminating the "Crazy Train" for the morning.

8. Give yourself incentives: Who doesn't love a prize at the end of the day?  Keep the reward non-food related (this is excluded of any cheat meals allowed in a specific meal plan). 

9. Be prepared for your motivation to fluctuate:  If only we felt like Superman or Wonder woman every single day, but we don't...because that's not real life.  How to overcome it?  Just do it.  I know it sounds like a cliche but it's true.  In all my years of training and working out, I've never ONCE said..."Crap, I wish I hadn't done that".  Focus on how you feel AFTER the workout or a healthy meal, not beforehand. 

10. Decide there will be no limits:  Your health is a never ending journey.  Accept no limitations!

Thanks for reading and have a great week!
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Determination = Results!

Well, here we are...6 weeks into 'The Time is Now Challenge' with my local client, JC. The pressure is on and he has been working his tail off.

This week resulted in a 2 lb weight loss making for a total of 12 lbs! Only 8 more lbs to go with 4 weeks left of the challenge.

Each week has brought new things to light for JC. He recognizes the work that needs to be put in, the consistency factor must always be present and low and behold, even with all the work you put in, the dreaded moment occurs in your journey - PLATEAU.

I think JC was a bit disappointed these past 2 weeks when one week resulted in a zero loss and the next week resulted in only a 1 lb loss. These last 2 weeks he has really busted his butt to stay consistent with his workouts & meal plan. I told him - "Don't worry -the work you are putting in this week may not show up till next week or even the week after but it WILL show up - trust the process."

Well- sure enough it did...another 2 lbs down & he feels rejuvenated in his quest to lose 20 lbs in 10 weeks.

So I thought that this blog would be a good time to talk about weight loss plateaus. I tread this word lightly because, even though your body has hit a plateau, that does NOT mean it's not changing and moving in the right direction. Yes, the scale is a good measurement but not always the ACCURATE measurement of what's really going on. I rely mostly on the way my clothes fit and my waist measurement. If your  waist is getting smaller yet the scale is stalled, congrats- you are WINNING!  Why? You are not losing precious muscle but you are losing body fat!

But, it's still a good idea to always evaluate and re-evaluate where you can make changes or possibly tighten up your current plan to keep results moving along.

Why does our body plateau? Simple- it's the body's natural reaction to diet and exercise. When we begin a fitness regimen, your body responds to it immediately and all those fun changes are taking place.  But, after some time has passed, the body will resist the change and do everything possible to maintain homeostasis - a constant state of internal function. Time to take a hard look at your current routine and make those changes necessary to keep progress moving along!

1. Nutrition: This is the first part of the your program to re-examine. A few things can go a long way to keep success moving along....

-Keep a food journal. Are you sure you haven't loosened up a bit in your eating pattern? I always recommend my clients keep a food journal or use an online app to keep track of their food for one week. Once we start to see results, it's easy to rely less on food scales and labels and "think" we know what we are putting in our mouths. This is where "calorie creep" comes into play and can really slow down your progress. Honestly, most of the time the plateau can be fixed with a closer look at the daily consumption of food.

-The body is now working at a lower body weight but you are still giving it the same calories every day? Maybe it's time to shake things up with your meal plan. Consider zig zagging your calories/carbs for a couple of weeks. I've used this method for myself as well as many clients. The goal is to eat less calories one day & more on another day, in the form of carbs. Here is the plan:

Keep your calories the same for the week. But, instead of eating the same calories every day, eliminate 100 calories one day and add an extra 100 for another day. Try this for 2 weeks. The increase/decrease of calories should come from carb sources. On the days you go with lower carbs, limit your starchy carbs and fruit. Keep your vegetable intake high.

-Get your water in everyday. A hydrated body keeps the metabolism functioning properly.

2. Change the Intensity/Duration of your Cardio :

Another possible culprit is your cardio routine. The fact is that our bodies adapt to the cardio first. So, maybe you need to change it up? If you're knocking out 30 minutes of cardio, add another 15 minutes. Or, consider adding 20-30 minutes of walking before you start your day in addition to your current cardio routine. If you're not currently using HIT (intervals) in your routine, start now. Here is a sample workout I provided to 'Maximum Fitness' magazine a few years back (Click on the pic to enlarge):

3. Don't wimp out on your strength training !

I cannot stress enough how important it is to maintain your routine with weights in the gym.  So many times in the quest to break a plateau or save time, I will see people ignore their strength training in order to make more time for cardio. NO- WRONG CHESS MOVE!

Building lean muscle is the backbone of a supercharged metabolism so now is not the time to slack off but changing things around can help with muscle confusion and work your muscle groups in new ways.

-change the ORDER of the exercises
- change the TYPES of exercises used in the workout
- change the MUSCLE GROUPS that are exercised in the same workout
-change the NUMBER of sets
-change the AMOUNT of weight used

 Bottom line- the more lean muscle you have the faster your metabolism will work. Lift to lose fat!

4. Get your ZZZZ's :  One sure way to screw up your progress is to regress on your sleep.  If you've been working at a level above your normal routine, then your body needs the sleep to recover.   What happens to our body when we don't get enough sleep?

- Increased levels of cortisol ( the stress induced hormone that LOVES to hold on to fat! ) 
- You may still be losing weight but burn the midnight oil and you will burn muscle - which will stall your metabolism in it's track.
-Decreased sleep leads to increased hunger so be aware of triggers that lead to the wrong choices.

And last but not least, Keep your head in the game:

As the famous quote goes: 90% mental and 10% physical.

This is the part of the game that separates the boys from the men and the girls from the women.  It's time to realize that changes are not going to take place every day.  You must be patient with the process, remember how far you've come and don't let the thought of quitting even enter your mind.

Remember that this is a lifestyle change and stay focused on the big picture.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Self Sabotage a/ka/ "Ooops- I did it again! "

Have you ever had one of these moments?? Of course you have- because you are Human. 

You go along with your day making good choices with your food.  Hec, you may have already paid good money to meet with your trainer and have your booty kicked?  Or you gave up something in your day to allow time to hit the gym?  And low and behold, you make a single choice that turns into a diet disaster.  What's worse is that you're having that out of body experience & watching yourself from the corner of the room and screaming to yourself :


The scary part is that you do.  We all do.  But, for different reasons, we turn out to be our own worst enemy when it comes to our food choices.  I don't have a degree in psychology but,  as a former foodie, I know how easy it is to go to the gym but how hard it is to make good solid food choices. 

So, first things first.

1.  Why do we do it?  Well, ask 10 people & I can promise you that you will get 10 different answers so I will speak for myself.

Before I began working out, I just ate well but would always cheat after a few days.  I would start over & over & over.  Then, I began working out but I had a new problem - I always felt I could out-train a bad diet.  I worked out like a crazy woman so therefore it was OK if I indulged...not understanding the concept between food and results.  I would hate myself for doing it, pinky swear 50 times that I would do better, and then do it again. 

2) How do we stop??  Well- that again depends on the person and what is driving them to the self-sabotage behaviors.  Here are my own tips as well as others I've gathered from clients:

-Don't beat yourself up.  Negative thoughts don't need to be part of the process.  Make a vow with yourself that is was a slip up and it's not going to define the rest of your day, week, month or year!  Brush it off and move on to the important things.

- Designate a cheat meal.  Even if you are dieting, you need one meal that gives you the freedom to eat what you want.  If you're following a diet that doesn't allow for a cheat meal, you may want to re-think your program. 

- Eliminate the crap food in your house.  I am a firm believer in "out of sight out of mind".  You can't reach for it at night time if it's not there...get rid of it!

-Put up reminders:  I love this one.  I have a client who has post it notes on her refrigerator that remind her that one cup of ice cream = 60 minutes on the elliptical or a bag of chips = an extra cardio session on the weekend.  This woman is a busy executive and has zero time for "make-up" cardio as I like to call it. 

-Pay up.  Some people have a swear jar...make a jar to donate a dollar or two every time you eat something that you know you shouldn't...maybe a little less sexy than the other suggestions but it can still work. 

-Change your routine.  I really think this is the key to success.  If your routine is to stop at the coffee shop on the way to work and throw in a muffin or scone, stop.  If your routine is to go out to lunch every day, stop.  If your routine is to unwind at home with wine or crap food, stop.  There is a solution for every roadblock.  You have to figure out a way to work around the temptation. 

- "In order to fly, you got to give up the S%*#! that weighs you down".  I love this quote.  If you are surrounded by people, things, etc that are holding you back from your goals, move on. 

Those that work with me or have worked with me in the past know I'm a big believer in baby steps to the big picture.  If you try to change everything at one time, you are most definitely setting yourself up for self sabotage.  If the food was the easy part, everyone would be at their goal weight.  But, the fact is that it's easier to go to the gym then eat the right foods all the time.

Try to eliminate one trigger at a time.  Take a few weeks to master the change and move on to the next item.  

Thanks for reading & have a great week!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Halfway there!!

Is this an awesome quote or what?? If you want to reach a level in your life that surpasses your current place, then you must visualize it in your head first and move forward!
So, here we are at the halfway point for my 'The Time is Now' client.  He has completed 5 weeks of his 10 week challenge and he is on his way!
Drum roll please.....JC lost another pound this week and has lost 2 inches in his waist!  So, 10 lbs down in 5 weeks.  This is exactly what I wanted to see - a slow & steady drop means he is retaining his muscle and losing FAT!
This week I asked JC to express, in his own words, how he feels about the last 5 weeks.  I love the honesty and hey- if changing your lifestyle was easy, everyone would do it.
Well, half way through this challenge and I have dropped half the weight-I am very happy with what I have achieved with Kathy’s direction and workouts.   We definitely ramped up the moves between exercises and incorporated some cardio with my weights to keep the heart rate up.   Some of the challenges I have had are ones that I feel most people have- entertaining, traveling etc.   So I made a conscious effort to moderate on the alcohol when out and alternate with water or tea.  Nutritionally speaking, I feel good with my food choices and the way things are moving along.
 I feel cardio is the key with my weight loss. If I do it 5-7 times a week and incorporate the weights and cleaner eating it works-not rocket science put getting to it sometimes can be a challenge. We are on the back side of this challenge so it is time to really buckle down and do what needs to be done. Make the time and invest in your health!   JC 
Great words JC- because you're right- we all know WHAT to do - it's the execution of the plan that is the hardest part.  He also hit on another key point - invest in yourself !
This was our action plan for the week:
1.  MORE CARDIO- JC was very honest with his lack of cardio from the previous week.  He knew it needed to be ramped up to bust the plateau that had set in...and boy did he ever!  7 cardio
sessions in 7 days - can't ask for more than that!
2.  A LITTLE MORE "TIGHTENING" OF THE BELT:  What I mean here is that , in the beginning, the weight was coming off fairly well.  As JC learned last week, he was going to need to be a bit more strict with his nutrition choices if he wanted to break his plateau.  He had ONE beer over the weekend and drank water during the NCAA Basketball Championship with his buddies....I give that dedication an A+ !
3.  SUPERMAN IN THE WEIGHT ROOM:  JC outperformed this week with his strength training.  I really pushed him on Tuesday with a legs routine that he has never done before...Thursday we did only upper body and this guy never stopped.  
4.  ATTITUDE:  Once again, I will tell you that if your focus isn't there, going through the motions will only get you so far.  JC made up his mind that this week was not going to get away from him and he would do whatever it took to finish strong.
Can't wait for the next 5 weeks!  Make sure to subscribe to the blog so you receive the latest updates-thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Will YOU be ready for summer?

Well, the countdown to summer is ON!  We are 7 weeks away from Memorial Day - the "un-official" start to summer.  I know - you're scratching your head, double checking my math and Yep - the mouth has dropped open.  It will be here before you know it...will you be ready ?

The biggest issue I see when it comes to one's fitness journey ( or lack thereof) is the art of planning.  Nobody ever got fit by just thinking about it.  Workouts happen because you set an appointment with yourself and you kept it.  Eating healthy foods happen because you planned ahead with a trip to the grocery store and made friends with your stove, oven or outdoor grill. 

So- here are my tips for a successful week:

1) Review the calendar for the week and sync with other family members.  Plan your workouts & put them on the calendar and your family's calendar if necessary AND KEEP THE APPOINTMENT.  If you leave working out to a "how I feel when you I wake up" mentality,  it will not happen.  There will always be something to get in your way.  Pack a bag with your clothes, IPOD, gloves and get to work.  Don't plan your workouts for 5am if you're not a morning person.  You couldn't pay me (well maybe) to workout before 8am.  I know my body and I don't function well before that time.

2) All crap food gets thrown away on Sundays.  Crap food manages to make it's way in the house with entertainment leftovers, cheat day splurge meals, etc.   We don't always plan for crap food to make it's way in the house but it does....throw it away and make a fresh start.

3) PLAN YOUR DINNERS FIRST.   Say what Kathy??  You want me to plan my dinners for the week?  What about the other meals?  This has always been my "trick" when working with my clients from a nutrition aspect.  And this is many times we go along in our day and eat great, right?  Healthy breakfast followed by your healthy snack followed by your healthy lunch followed by......UH OH - WHAT AM I GOING TO EAT FOR DINNER?  Welcome to your Diet Disaster Hell.

So-normally this is the time of day most people are starting to feel their blood sugar crash, they are pissed at the world for eating all this healthy food and not getting to eat their 3:00pm M&M's .  Maybe they are hungry & experiencing cravings because they've started to cut out the crap and the instant gratification isn't what it used to be (for now) ?   So- they say "middle finger to this" and eat poorly- which leads to choosing the wrong foods for dinner. 

Try this instead:
- Sync calendars so everyone is on the same page re: the commitments for the week. 
- Plan for the number of meals to be eaten in the home & how many family members will be in attendance.  Get everyone's input for meals & plan ahead for possible leftovers to use for lunch the next day.
-If cooking isn't your bag and you're used to eating out or take out - invest the same money into healthy takeout meals made fresh each day.   Many companies have order forms online.  You place your order and have the food delivered to you or you pick it up once/week.  And don't buy Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice or Weight Watchers frozen meals - it's sodium laced processed junk.  Invest in yourself and buy fresh meals.

4) And drink your water!  Carry around a gallon jug if you need to but drink your water.  I don't have to tell you all the reasons why.  Unless you've been living under a rock, you know why the water is important.

Bottom line, there is a solution to every problem.  And I hear ya, planning meals is a challenge.  It was my biggest challenge when I started my fitness journey.  But, I realized that if I was going to ever reach my goals, I was going to have to suck it up and learn to plan ahead.

If you have some of your own tips, feel free to leave a comment.  Thanks for reading!
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Every step you take is a step closer...!

Well - we are almost to the halfway point of 'The Time is Now' challenge for my local client, JC.  He has completed 4 weeks of a 10 week program and here is where he stands....this week he maintained his weight of 221 and had a zero loss.  He is NOT discouraged as he knew after losing 9 lbs quickly, the plateau would eventually set in.  BUT, this was another hard week of work & social commitments so even though his cardio time was way down, he did the best he could with his food choices and guess what-MAINTAINED HIS WEIGHT. 

So-sometimes these are the small victories- the ones that you know the small changes you make will not set you back but keep you on the path to the finish line!

Here is our update for the week:

- JC's meal plan was the same as last week.  Again, he focused on balanced macronutrients and taking the carbs out before the end of the day, leaving protein and vegetables for dinner.  More social commitments kept him busy and just as last week, he had to rely on making good choices and do the best he could with his options.

- I LOVED our workouts this week.  Well- I loved telling JC what to do but I'm not sure he loved it-haha!  Here's the breakdown:

Tuesday: Back/Biceps

-Asst. Chin Ups : 3 sets of 12 reps (used for a warm-up)
-Lat Pull Down superset with EZ bar curls ( 1 set of 10 reps immediately followed with 7/7/7 using the EZ bar - 3 sets)
-Close Grip Pulldown superset Hammer Curls ( 1 set of 10 reps immediately followed by a set of 10 reps with second exercise - 3 sets)
- Seated Row superset with Bicep Cable Curls ( same as above)
- 1 Arm Row superset with 1 Arm Concentration Curls ( 1 set of 10 each arm followed with the same for conc curls)

He was unable to do more cardio for the day so we took advantage of doing cardio "bursts" in between each set of strength exercises.  He performed 3 minutes of intense cardio between each set giving him a total of 15 minutes.  Basically, his heart rate was up the entire workout!

Thursday:  Chest/Tri supersets with Legs ( and a few shoulder moves in between)

-Bench Press superset with Cable Pushdowns ( 1 set of 10 reps immediately followed with 10 reps of the second exercise - 3 sets)
-Incline Bench Chest Press with Reverse grip Pulldowns (same as above)
-Flat Bench Chest Fly with Tricep dip machine (same as above)
-Flat Bench Pullovers (3 sets of 10 reps)

Leg Extensions: 3 sets of 15 reps
Squats superset with walking lunges ( 1 set of 10 squats with 20 walking lunges)
Leg Curls: 3 sets of 15 reps

JC is nursing a bum shoulder so for now I keep the weight light & use more reps- today I threw in some shoulder presses & rear delt raises in between the leg sets.

There wasn't any time for cardio bursts today with our 60 minute window. 

Challenges, Challenges:  JC's social and family calendar was a challenge this week.  So not only did he have to make choices with his food but his time for cardio was very limited this week. He was only able to get in 2 full cardio workouts for the whole 7 days.   So- we hope that next week will be more consistent.

BUT, regardless of the challenges, JC has proved once again that his head is in the game and he knows that small baby steps will ensure long lasting results!

I'm so proud of my client!
