Sunday, May 19, 2013

The 'Time is Now' final weigh in!

Well- here we are- the final week of 'The Time is Now' challenge with my local client, JC.  This has been such an exciting journey and I'm a proud teacher right now!  JC's goal was to lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks.  He didn't quite reach his goal weight (only 3 lbs away)  but gained so much perspective in the process.  He suffered a leg injury during the last 10 days of his challenge.  He was down...but he was not out!

THE PAST:  JC's starting weight was 230.  His waist size was 36". 

THE PRESENT:  JC's current weight is 213 and his waist size is 33" !

THE FUTURE: JC is not done yet- he would like to get down to 205 on the scale - a total of 25 lbs from his beginning weigh-in.  He knows that once his leg heals up, he will be able to hit the cardio again and make tighter changes to his diet.

Well down to the final week and I have dropped 17 pounds.  I had  a mild setback last week when my hamstring decided to blow out on the leg curl machine.  It hurt quite a bit so my cardio has taken a hit.  It's not too pretty to look at either as my entire lower thigh is heavily bruised. 
The upside of this though is that I was still able to lift weights (upper body) and really watch my food intake to maintain the program.  I will continue to do this until things heal up and I can get back to the cardio portion of the program. 
Kathy has kept me focused through these 10 weeks and I have definitely won on the jeans test-I have lost a lot through my mid-section and although the 10 weeks are up,  I am going to continue to work off the pounds and get closer to the 200 pound mark.  
The big thing is that I did was NOT create a drastic life style change.  I still eat and drink but I  am more aware of  WHAT I eat and drink and WHEN I do it.  It is not that hard to do and I encourage anyone thinking of making a change in their food or exercise regime to make the decision to do SOMETHING. Small changes are better than zero changes.  It becomes a habit rather quickly and holding yourself accountable for your decisions-the food you eat and the time you put into your workouts will show results! 
Looking forward to continuing my journey to better health and some new clothes to wear!  Thanks for challenging me KL  - you are great to work with!

The moral to this story is that because JC has learned how to eat smart(er)  and make the right choices, the injury didn't derail him from maintaining his weight and staying the course.  Although he didn't reach the exact desired weight on the scale, he came pretty dang close and was able to maintain his weight training - even with a bum leg.

This is key folks!  You must understand that your success rate is 80% nutrition.  You cannot reach your desired fitness level without a sound meal plan.  JC learned through this journey that he cannot always count on the gym ( or me) to help him get to his desired physique.  The work must be done BEHIND THE SCENES to accomplish your goals.

I tell clients that I am 1-3 hours/week in a 168 hour week.  Think about that - the time you spend outside of the gym is the biggest part of your success!!  If only we had our Guardian Angel there all the time to hold our hand (or fork) and help us make the right choices...but we don't. 

And what do you do when Life gets in the way of your best intentions?  Many times I've seen clients begin with full-force only to have something come up that slows down their journey - but it doesn't have to slow down the progress.  Here are some ways to get back up when we feel knocked down :

1) Always remember WHY you started:  Be clear with your goals.  JC knew that he had a deadline he wanted to meet ( 2 week cruise vacation)  so he wasn't going to lose sight of the finish line.  Every time he was too tired for cardio or wanted to eat something crappy, he remembered the promise he made to himself.

2) Keep a journal:   Use it to track food, emotions, exercise, etc.  I still track my food and exercise on a weekly basis.  I use it to look back on certain weeks where I feel I could have made better use of my time .  Sometimes we can't understand where we went wrong till we look back at what we did to get there.

3) Organize your life:  Whether it's keeping healthy food in your home, office or on-the-go snacks ready, you need to keep your food choices healthy.  Yes, life may have derailed your gym time, but that doesn't mean you can't choose healthy foods to keep you on the right track.

4) Keep moving! : Yes- take the stairs when possible.  Yes- park further away from the front door of the store.  Take a few laps during your lunch break.  Again, the mentality needs to be "I'm down, but I'm not out" when life gets in the way.  Understand that little things add up and go a long way to staying on track.

5) Stay grateful and thankful:  If you've had a setback in your fitness journey, try to remember that it's not the end of the road.  Remind yourself that it's a minor setback ( as long as you don't let it turn into a forever moment) and stay grateful and thankful for what you DO have and don't focus on what you DON'T have...this is temporary.  Life is full of roadblocks and they will test your will every single time.

I've received so much positive feedback from this blog so thank you for reading and I hope to inspire someone along the way!

Have a great week!
