Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Don't Overthink It- Just Do It! 10 things I've learned from my fitness journey

Happy New Year!  Another year in the past and another year ahead full of promise and success.  I know many of you are evaluating your current fitness level so I decided this was the time to reprint a blog from earlier this year...just remember....don't overthink it...put one foot in front of the other and keep going!
It's not Rocket Science - Consistency is the key to success.

I've been fat, thin, fat, thin, chubby, pregnant twice, fat again and thin again...you get the idea.

As someone who struggled most of the early years with eating right and exercise, I have learned a thing or two about how to be successful and stay successful with my health and fitness.

I've been blessed to turn my passion into a career and help others with their fitness and nutrition goals. 

Today I want to share the top 10 things I've learned through my fitness journey and hopefully inspire someone out there to keep going!! 

1) It's never ever too late.  

I didn't start my fitness journey until my mid-thirties and got into the best shape of my life by the age of 40 and never looked back. I am proud to say I've stepped on stage as a national figure competitor - something I never thought was possible and I did it at the ripe age of 42.  Before kids, I couldn't run from here to the mailbox.  A half-marathon & some 5K's later, I can now run without the feeling of throwing up all over myself.

But even more than past accomplishments, I'm happy and healthy and feel like I'm 25 - not 45!  

2) You can't out train a bad diet. 

This one doesn't need much of an explanation but WOW- if I had a dime for every minute I've spent doing extra cardio so I could go home and eat like a pig, I would be on a private island counting my money.  It doesn't work peeps.

3) Taking time for yourself is not selfish.  

Selfish is treating your body like crap so you aren't of any use to others in your life.  Make yourself the priority so you can make others a priority in your life.  And while you're busy making yourself the priority, make sure you have a good support system to surround yourself...going at it alone without anyone to cheer you on or help you stay focused is not a lot of fun.

4) Stop weighing yourself every day.  

The scale is not your friend.  The scale will lie to you. It will tell you that you're having a good day when you're really not ( i.e. I guess I can have that extra slice of pizza) or tell you that you're having a bad day when maybe it's just a little water weight...so you starve yourself.  Either way it's a bad idea.  

Rely on measurements and the good 'ol "zipper" test to give you an accurate "picture" of what's really going on with you.

5) Results don't come in a pill.  

You WILL have to bust your ass.  You will have to eat right and drink your water.  You will have to plan your food and exercise sessions.  There isn't a Fitness Fairy that does it for you nor does it come in a fancy pill. Complaining about your current situation does nothing to fight the fight.  Make up your mind to get it done.

6) Results, GOOD and LONG LASTING  results will take time.  

No, you can't lose 5 lbs before the weekend (and expect to keep it off)  and you won't suddenly have toned muscles after 1 week in the gym. Unrealistic expectations will create unrealistic results. 

Consistency is the key to long term success.  The bodies you admire in the gym or in the fitness magazines were created with patience and consistency, not gimmicks.

7) Eat to live don't live to eat.  

Exercise is only part of the equation.  We have all heard that diet is the key to fitness success - at least 70-80% depending on who you ask!  If you want to change your physique, change the way you view food.  
Don't get me wrong- I LOVE food- all kinds - I'm not even prejudice to fast food. I could throw down on some fried chicken or pizza and not blink an eye.

But, I've had to learn to view food as FUEL and treat my body to the right gas....not give it crappy food which results in bad fuel.

8) Weight training will get you further than hours on the treadmill

Yes- I was one of those in the beginning- spent hours doing cardio and ignored the need for weight training.   
The key to having a strong metabolism is to have muscle on the body. Muscle gives the body a more tight and lean appearance.  Do not fall victim to " I'll start with cardio- lose some weight and begin my strength routine".  Big mistake.  Do your cardio AND weight training for a balanced physique.

9) Keep track of your food/workouts. 

There is NO way I would be where I am today if I hadn't taken the time to keep a food journal ( and this was before the age of fitness apps!).  It was the number one factor that led to my success- I'm convinced of it. 

I wrote down everything I ate for years.  I educated myself on calories and macro nutrients.  I still keep track of my food on a weekly basis.  Success rates almost triple when a journal is kept for at least 4 weeks.

10) Failure to Plan is a Plan to Fail.  

I know we've all heard this one before but let's face it- it's part of the process.  Schedule your workouts, plan your meals, plan for obstacles and plan for success. That's right...plan for success.

