Sunday, June 29, 2014

5 Tips for Staying on Track During Your Summer Vacaction

Woo Hoo- Summer is officially here!  Many of my clients travel and this is where their hard work can become derailed if they are not careful.  All the months of meal planning and exercise is now put to the test.   Yes, it’s definitely a challenge but with some extra planning, you can keep to your goals and not let a vacation or business trip get in your way.  

1.  Nutrition is Key
If you’ve been following a meal plan, then I doubt you’ve been eating a lot of meals outside the house. Going on vacation or business trips definitely includes more meals eaten on the go.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
* Don’t hesitate to ask your server how entrees are prepared. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve assumed that my dish was prepared a certain way and I was overwhelmed  when it arrived in front of me covered in a foreign sauce that was not good for me.  It’s hard to scoop that good stuff off to the side when your meal is already covered in it.  
* Ask for all sauces, dressings, gravies and condiments to be served on the side.
* Substitute vegetables or salad for fattening side items.
* Watch your portions- restaurants will always serve more than we’re used to and if you’re like me, it’s hard to not want to eat the whole thing if it’s in front of me.  I always ask the server to show me the portion size if possible.   See if someone at the table is willing to split it with you or decide you will leave some behind or take it with you.  

2. Have Healthy Eats With You
My staples for traveling are oatmeal, protein powder, Quest protein bars , raw almonds, egg cooker and my shaker bottle. 

A great afternoon snack is a scoop of whey protein with some almonds.   I also use the protein powder in the morning if my options at the breakfast bar are runny fat-laden scrambled eggs.  I love my egg cooker- I can make 6 at a time and get my protein in at any time.  Or, you can buy already boiled eggs in the dairy section. They are more expensive but the convenience can be worth it.

3. Have a Plan for Exercise
Depending on the length of your trip, factor in some time to stay active.  If I’m away for less than three days ( and depending on the activity level of the trip), I usually don’t plan to visit the dumbbells or cardio equipment.  For example, last month I took my kiddos to NYC.  With all the walking we did for 3 days, the last thing I was worried about was if I was going to visit the hotel gym.

Anything more than 3 days, I figure it out.  Whether it’s a hotel gym, local gym or using my own body weight, I move. I’m not talking a leisurely walk, I MOVE.  The Internet is full of exercise ideas to use with your own body weight ( think push ups, burpees, body squats, lunges) as well as exercises to use with resistance bands.  I highly recommend these for longer trips if a hotel gym or local gym is out of the question.

Plan ahead for morning or evening based on your schedule. Try to allot between 20-45 minutes.  Even if it’s not your normal hour in the gym, anything is better than nothing.  

4. Stay hydrated

This is not the time to skimp on your water intake.  In fact, I recommend that you increase your water consumption to include for another 30-40 oz of water.  Why?  
*A lot of the food we eat on the go will be higher in sodium ( especially restaurant food) and the water will help keep you flushed out.  
*If you’re on vacation, you may be consuming more alcohol than normal, and the alcohol has a dehydrating effect on the body.  The extra water will keep your body running smoothly.
* The extra water can help trick your body into feeling full so you won’t be as tempted to overdo it .

5. ENJOY! 
I’m sure that seems like an obvious statement but try to put down the phone, laptop and other distractions so you can really sit back and relax.  When we are stressed ( like most of us are every day), your body produces cortisol, a stress-induced hormone.  It will wreak havoc with your goals so this is a good time to get in touch with your body, without all the distractions of daily life.  Relax….you earned it!

  Thanks for reading and cheers to your health and fitness!
