Sunday, July 21, 2013

There's still time to change the road you're on

Was this your motto at the beginning of 2013??  Halfway through the year- where are you with your goals?

Well, you may be like most people - you have already forgotten that special "feeling" you had when you set your goal/resolution.  Holding on to that special feeling is important- it stays with us to remind us WHY we do what we do...but for some that is easier than others.

If you haven't already written down your goal, do it now.  Research shows that the success rate is higher for those that write down their goals and keep it visible as opposed to keeping in inside their head.

Looking back on the beginning of the year, did you set REASONABLE goals?  Did you vow to wake up at 3 am just to get to the gym when you know it's not possible?  Did you vow to eat clean every single day, even on the weekends, when you know special occasions will occur??

Remember that this is a lifestyle commitment - so it won't happen overnight.

Here are some simple thoughts to help keep it all in perspective:

1) Don't get frustrated if you're not there yet -attitude means everything. 

2) Slip ups are normal.  The key is to not let one bad day turn into a bad month and on & on...

3) Reevaluate and choose baby steps - make a plan to do ONE thing each week to get you closer to your goal.

4) Understand that change is part of the process.  Don't run from it - embrace it.  If it was easy, everyone would do it.

5) Commit to your decisions.  You must decide what you are willing to do and not do.  Again, don't set yourself up for failure committing to a crazy workout time or vowing that you will never have another piece of cake the rest of your life.  Set realistic goals and commit to them.

6) Stop waiting for the perfect day or time to get started.  It will never be perfect. 

7) Plan, plan, plan - plan your meals, plan your workouts, plan your relaxation time.  As much as possible, don't leave things up to chance. 

8) Leave the insecurities behind.  I know it's hard- trying to make changes yet wondering if they will ever come to fruition?  You must believe in yourself to see results.

9) Enlist a support system.  Find someone to keep yourself accountable to: family member, trainer, co-worker, etc.  Better yet- enlist another  person to take the journey with you.

10) Focus on the feeling of accomplishment.  Remember the time you worked out when you didn't feel like it or you made the right choices with your food? Remind yourself that you DO have it in you.

Remember- if you start today, just think where you will be by the end of 2013.

Stop talking - start DOING! 

